A Supplier to Retailers, Building & Restoration Contractors, Roofing and Landscaping Contractors, Schools, Churches, Property Management, and Businesses of All Kinds. All are welcome to purchase here at true wholesale pricing. Buy by the Box, the Case, the Pallet, or the Truckload!
CONTRACTOR BAGS are one of our top sellers for over 2 decades. Made in USA and as tough as any of the big brand names - only YOU PAY LESS at Mazer Wholesale! We also carry Poly Sheeting, Floor Protection Products, Tarps, Tools Painting Supplies and more!
Calculators, 3-Ring Binders, Backpacks, Markers, Dry Erase Boards, Flashcards, Crayons, Pencils and Pencil Sharpeners, Erasers, Highlighters, Cello Tape, Rubber Bands, Arts & Crafts Supplies, Felt-Tip Markers, and lots more!
I love helping people and organizations save money on the things they use in their business, sell in their stores, use in their schools, their municipalities, their charities, and their emergency-response needs.
Andrew Mazer
Hi, I’m Andrew Mazer. I know businesses are in search of real wholesale prices.
Real wholesale pricing is hard to find these days.
My wholesale company was established to service hardware stores, variety stores and $1.00 stores. We purchased a 12,000 warehouse about 4 miles from the store where the rest of my family worked until they sold it in 2005. I’m very grateful for the support and the role models my mom, dad and older brother have been for me. Their passion for business and love of their customers paved the way for me and my passion for business and for providing excellent service.