In keeping with our initiative to expand our product selection for the Restoration Contractors, Junk Removal Contractors, Roofing Contractors, Plumbing Contractors (and any other service business or public works department, needing supplies), we’re expanding our selection of work gloves. In this post, we’re introducing:
Long Cuff Rubber Work Gloves Wholesale Prices
First, these 14″ (elbow length), extra thick, rubber gloves.

These heavy duty gloves are 30mil thick. The rough outer coating provides good grip. The elbow length sleeve provides protection up to the elbow. The cuffs are rolled at the end which helps to make the gloves bother easier to put on and take off, as well as dry. Learn more, CLICK HERE.
Next, we have these
Extra Long Industrial Rubber Work Gloves

These heavy duty gloves are 18″ in length which passes the elbow of most adults. These also have a rough outer coating for good gripping power. Although they’re slightly thinner than our 14″ gloves, at 25mil thickness, these are still plenty heavy duty for the job.
The 18″ heavy duty rubber gloves also have the rolled cuff. Learn more, CLICK HERE.
Bulk Pricing on Heavy Duty Industrial Work Gloves
The 14″ glove is sold in packs of 12 and the 18″ glove is sold in packs of 10. A 10% discount is available for buying in full-case quantities. The full case quantity on the 14″ glove is 72 and the full case quantity for the 18″ glove is 60.
See our full selection of Work Gloves and other Protective Gear, CLICK HERE.
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