Lowest Pricing on Blue Tarps

We sell 6mil blue tarps at the lowest wholesale price.

As of this posr, our price is still only 4.25 cents per square foot.

Mazer Wholesale supplies tarps at the lowerst pricing on the web.

Tarps sell in high volume year ’round. Consumers and businesses in need of tarps can order as few as 1 case of tarps, all the way up to pallet-loads and truckloads.

“Hurricane Season” begins in June and ends at the end of November. Early weather forecasts show a higher-than normal number of hurricanes maybe affecting the United States this coming season.

Tarps are used to cover
  • Roofs, bulk material such as soils, mulch, and stone
  • Trucks & trailers to prevent unwanted soaking from rain and to protect the material from bouncing or blowing away
  • Boats, bikes, trampolines, and other outdoor and recreational equipment and much more

Although mostly every product and commodity you can think of has been affected by inflation, Mazer Wholesale, Inc. has been holding pricing steady on a majority of the products we sell. Tarps are no exception. We have not raised our tarp prices in over 2 years and we’re still holding steady for now.

We welcome your inquiries by email, phone, or chat. 1-800-343-0780
Mazer Wholesale was originally established in 1986 as a spinnoff from the family hardware store in Philadelphia which was originally established in 1935.

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