What Is The Best Product To Cover a Garage Floor

What Is The Best Product To Cover a Garage Floor

classic car garage showroom

There are a number of choices when it comes to covering or coating a garage floor. In this article, we’re talking directly to 3 types of buyers:

  1. Average homeowners who simply want to spruce up their garage. Perhaps it’s to hide ugly oil stains or hairline cracks.
  2. The homeowner who wants to turn their garage into a great looking room – a Man Cave. a game room, or a neat and organized workshop for example.
  3. Car or Motorcycle lovers who want to proudly showcase their vehicles.

The Most Economical Garage Floor Covering

The most economical flooring is a matter of opinion. Like most products, buying the lowest priced are usually not the most economical. Here are some points to consider:

  • Are you willing to install the flooring yourself? Most flooring professional installers charge more for their labor than the price of the product. To keep your costs down, you may want to focus on purchasing a product that is easy to install.
  • What kind of traffic occurs in your garage? Will you be parking vehicles in your garage? Are you planning an office, a man cave, or a game room? If so, most good quality floor paints will do the trick but we have found a Garage Floor Tile that’s economical and incredibly practical.
  • Rolling heavy tool boxes, floor jacks, or jack stands around? Sorry to tell you, but your typical concrete job in your home garage is probably not going to bear the punishment of that kind of equipment, let alone paint, epoxy finishes, or tile. You’ll need to be prepared to lay something more industrial down for that application.

Why Peel & Stick Garage Floor Is The Best Home Garage Flooring Solution

Black & White garage floor tile
Showcase your pride & joy classic car!

After more than 20 years of using and selling peel & stick vinyl flooring, we have discovered and developed a material that’s thick enough and has the right stuff for an easy, successful installation and a long-lasting finish…in a variety of solid colors and patterns. Here’s what WE think are the best and most important attributes to make this product a great choice:

  1. Super-Easy to Install: Anyone can do it. Just lay one peel & stick tile in front of the other and work your way from the garage door straight to the back wall (or wherever you want to stop)…rinse & repeat!
  2. It’s Easy to Cut & Measure: Tiles are 12″x 12″ or 18″ x 18″ and you can cut them (if you need to) with a basic utility knife and a straight edge.
  3. Keep Your Leftovers For Replacement: A typical garage floor wears in very specific places. Tires basically run over the same tiles over and over again, as do trash cans and bicycles. Buyers usually order a little more than they need and the leftovers can come in handy for replacing heavily-worn tiles. Simply heat the affected tiles (even years after the original installation) and the glue is reactivated. Lift the tiles with a putty knife and drop in a new tile. Voila! Like new again! The rest of the floor gets very little traffic so the floor stays practically new forever.

Vinyl Tile vs. Epoxy Paint for Garage and Basement Floors

About 25% of our customers have come to us as a result of failed epoxy paint. Whether you buy the material and do it yourself or hire a pro, epoxy paint is expensive, difficult to apply, and often fails. We hear a lot of sad stories (angry may be a better word).

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