Can I Reuse My Old Mini Blind Brackets?

Mini Blind Brackets corded and cordless

One of the most frequently asked questions we get about our mini blinds is: “Can we reuse our old mini blind brackets?”

Reusing your old mini blind brackets is a real time saver. All those pesky little screws take up a lot of time unscrewing, then screwing them back in. Plus, you always drop at least a couple while you’re holding the bracket in place, putting the screw into the hole and getting your screwdriver into the screw head.

Replacing Corded Mini Blinds with New Cordless Mini Blinds

As of December, 2018, corded window blinds have been banned from being made or imported into the United States. They have been replaced by new, cordless blinds.

A spring and friction mechanism inside the head rail allows the blinds raised and lowered by pushing up, or pulling down on the bottom rail of the blind.

The head rail, it needed do be enlarged and reshaped to accommodate the new hardware which allows the blinds to function without cords.

The Good News About Cordless Blinds

The good news about the new cordless blinds is that the new brackets are smaller less bulky. They allow for the blinds to be easily mounted from inside the window box, from the top of the window box, the ceiling, or from the outside of the window box (outside mount).

We Sell Mini Blinds Wholesale!

Mazer Wholesale, Inc. has been supplying retailers and property management since 1986. We have a massive selection of sizes and always at great, low wholesale prices. Click here to see our selection and place an order.

We carry vinyl mini blinds, aluminum mini blinds, room darkening mini blinds, 2″ vinyl blinds, and 2″ Faux Wood blinds. In addition to blinds, we also carry spring roller shades. These are making a big comeback lately.

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